Wednesday, 31 July 2013

The Liebster Award.


I have been tagged by Lucy for the Liebster Award Tag, so first of all.. thank you Lucy! :)

What I must do:

Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged me
Then I have to create 11 questions for 11 people who I tag.. however, the blogs must have under 200 followers.

The questions I have to answer:

1. Who inspired you to start blogging?

I'm not really sure if I'm honest! I've always thought blogging seemed fun.. I think I remember watching 'The Perfect Man' - starring Hilary Duff who wrote a blog about her life and it seemed fun. But no one in particular that I can think of!

2. How would you describe your style?
I do try to stick with the current trends, which means that my style does change even if I don't really realise it at the time.. but looking at past photos WOW I really notice a change - I do not understand how some things were fashionable! (I'm sure I'll be saying it in the future again even if I can't imagine it now! ;)) But yeah currently I'm liking top buttons, maxi skirts, midi dresses.. basically anything in the shop now - I like to shop a lot if you couldn't already tell!

3. What is your signature fragrance?
Again I buy a lot of perfume, but I have loved for a while the Chloe perfume (with a creamy brown ribbon I think, one of the original ones!) I think it smells so good, I always wore it at school - definitely need to pick up another bottle :)

4. Would you rather have the perfect lipstick or the perfect pair of shoes?
Up until recently I would have said the perfect pair of shoes by a mile, but now I don't know.. I think I would have to say the perfect lipstick! I've really been loving lipsticks and lip butters; I was always a lip gloss girl until recently. I just think lipstick can completely change a whole look!

5. Who is your favourite designer?
Umm, I love so many clothes, but I'm going to say Topshop.. even if this isn't technically a 'designer' someone had to design the clothes ;) and I'd now say that is my favourite shop.. I LOVE IT!

6. How long have you been blogging for?
My first blog post was on the 5th of September 2012 - I finally took the plunge! Click HERE to read it.. not that it's very exciting hahaa. Wow so much has changed! When I wrote that post not for one minute did I think anyone was actually going to read it, but I now have 54 followers on Google Friend Connect - that may not seem like much to some people, but for me that's more than I ever imagined.. so thank you for anyone that has read or commented on any of my posts.. or followed me on GFC or Bloglovin' :')

7. Would you rather spend a long time on your hair or on your makeup?
Again when I was at school I easily would have said hair.. I had many a fight with it! But now I can actually get my hair done pretty quickly.. I think I've mastered it, make up on the other hand, the more I learn and like it - the longer I know take as there are more products to try and use!! (Not that I'm complaining I love it! :)

8. What is your favourite online shopping website and why?
I honestly don't really shop online, I occasionally look online to see what's new but very rarely as I am often near shops so I can just pop in and have a look. The only website I really buy anything off is Amazon!! It's just so easy, free delievery and I only ever really buy CD's, phone accessories and DVD's from here.. I do love me some boxsets (I've just bought every season of Gossip Girl, I just love it so much! xoxo ;) )

9. What is one thing that you have learnt from blogging?
I'd have to say write what you want to write. Don't just write a post because you think it's what other people want to read, or 'oh this will get me followers'.. no. You should write what you want to write, because blogging - although it is good to entertain other people - should be something that you want to do, and should make you happy. So if you don't write a post for a few weeks *cough* me *cough* then you shouldn't feel pressured to write something just to please other people. Wow this turned a bit deeper than I meant to!

10. Short dress or maxi dress?
Hmm this is a hard one (if you haven't guessed, I'm Libra.. I find it very hard to make decisions for myself!), I'd have to say short dress, although I am really loving maxi skirts. But that isn't technically what you asked, so I'd have to say short dresses for the win.

11. What would you wear for a summer's walk in the park?

Living in England I'd have to say layers. No, only joking.. we've actually had a long spell of amaaazing weather, I still can't believe it! Well until recently.. now the rain is back! But imagining it's still the nice hot weather, I'd have to say my bright orange/red maxi skirt with a little black string vest, some cute sandals, my chunky watch, my big topshop back and maybe a statement necklace. I'd have quite natural make up, but maybe spice it up with a bright lip that matches the skirt, and have my hair down with some curls and the end. But if it's really hot with no wind, switch the maxi skirt for my grey acid wash skater skirt :)

Now, here I my questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What's your favourite make up look?
3. What's your favourite beauty brand?
4.What's your favorite shop?
5. Shoes or bags?
6. Would you prefer a statement necklace or something simple?
7. Where is your dream holiday location and why?
8. Shower or bath?
9. Heels or flats?
10. What's your favourite nail colour?
11. If you could only buy one item of make up for the rest of you life what would it be and why?

Bloggers I Tag:

Thanks for reading, and even if I didn't tag you officially, I tag you NOW.. feel free to answer the questions and leave your blog post in a comment below! :)



  1. Congrats hunny nice long answers I love these posts

    Carrieanne x

    1. Thank you! Yeah I just kept typing.. oops! hahaa

  2. Thanks for the nomination, will respond soon! XO

    Maddy @

  3. Love your blog, you deserved to be nominated! Just followed you so looking forward to your upcoming posts!

    My blog is if you get a chance would love you to go and have a look and maybe follow me back if you like it! x

  4. congrats, you deserve it! x

  5. Congratulations I love your blog :)

  6. Congratulations, dear, I love your blog!
    And thanks for the nomination. When I have time I'm going to prepare an special post!
