Wednesday 5 September 2012

Hello.. come get to know me.

Hello there.

Well, how to start.. I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Phoebe (I have about a million nicknames, maybe i'll share them one time) and I'm 17, I am about to go into my second year of college. Then.. no idea. Job, uni, be a bum - who knows? This is my first blog - so i'm not too sure what i'm doing, I just always thought it looked fun. I don't know how often I will blog, either create a routine, or just write when I need/want to :) I haven't really got a theme for my blog.. hence the name 'everything'. That title may change next week, next year or never. 

I think this could be a good way to say interesting things I have learnt, share my opinions and just generally blab. Hopefully some people will read it, and bonus maybe even like it.. if not I guess it's just a way for me to share.

I thought I would do kind of a short blog, not that I know if this is short.. I don't want to overstay my welcome. So yeah, I'm sure you'll be hearing more from me shortly.


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